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HSGS- Overview ECTS


Overview of credit points (ECTS) assigned within the framework of the Hermann-Staudinger-Graduate School


All course certificates (or the like) earned within the framework of the Hermann-Staudinger-Graduate School should be submitted at the doctoral examination office either current during the doctoral study or jointly when submitting the dissertation.


The certificates should be sorted chronologically and include information about the type of credit earned (e.g. lecture, course, seminar, poster, speech, publication), name and scope of the course or event and semester.

(Here you find an exemplary collective certificate) - (only in German)

(Here you find a form for a single certificate) - (only in German)


An overview of the courses for doctoral study candidates currently offered by the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy can be found in the electronic course catalogue.

An overview of the external courses offered for the PhD students can be found on the respective websites, e.g.


Freiburg Research Services / Int. Graduate Academy


Sprachlehrinstitut (SLI)


Zentrum für Schlüsselqualifikationen ZfS



Below you can find the information about the ECTS assigned for each type of academic activities:


Lecture  - 3 ECTS for 2 hrs/week, 1.5 ECTS for 1 hrs/week etc.


Conference presentations:

Poster (as main author) – 1 ECTS (or 2 ECTS in case of poster prize)

Talk – 2 ECTS


Publications in peer-reviewed journals:

Main author – 2 ECTS, upon request up to 4 ECTS

Co-authorship – 1 ECTS

(Only accepted/printed publications can be accredited)

(Please specify the name of the journal, the exact date of publication and in case of co-authorship the name of the first author on the certificate.)



When publishing results in professional journals, external doctoral students should also name apart from the affiliation of their research group, also the HSGS or the respective institute of the faculty. Only in this case the ECTS can be counted as internal ECTS. This was ruled on 1.6.2012.


Patents- 2 ECTS


Presentations / Talks in the seminar group – 1 ECTS (only 1 lecture per year can be accepted)

Please specify the exact date of  the lecture in the certificate)


Supervising of lab courses and other teaching duties – 3 ECTS for 6 weeks of full time supervision


Supervising of Master/Bachelor theses – up to 2 ECTS


IGA-courses  - depending on the time scope (up to 10 hrs – 1 ECTS, 11-17 hrs – 2 ECTS, from 18 hrs – 3 ECTS)

(Only qualifications up to max. 6 ECTS can be accepted when the total number of earned ECTS <21.)


The doctoral students can also earn the credit points abroad upon consent of the main supervisor. The rules applied in this case are the same as within the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy. All external courses / academic activities need to be countersigned by respective supervisors.


Upon finishing the doctoral study at least 20 ECTS should be achieved, at least 10 ECTS should have been awarded within Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy (f.e. internal lectures, seminar group talks etc.)


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